What to see in Week 2 at the PuSh Assembly by Joyce Rosario
January 24, 2016

This week will be a chance to catch our breath from a remarkable opening week and prepare for the final week of the Festival, when the majority of our visiting guests arrive and we focus on industry events. Most of these activities take place during the day, so along with performances in the evening, it makes for a super hectic schedule!
For the first time in the PuSh Assembly, we’ll be hosting a get-together before Industry Week, geared for those who have an Industry Pass/Pack and are in Vancouver on Tuesday, January 26. This is when the full PuSh Assembly list will be available along with a directory with more details about our visiting international presenter delegates. The orientation session will be a casual and social 5-7PM event with snacks and beverages.
Lots of people ask about our curatorial travel, how it works and what Norman and I do on these trips. They are very much like what happens during the PuSh Assembly. You see as many shows as possible, take in events that facilitate learning about new trends and best practices as well as meeting with other colleagues and artists. Playing the hosts this time around, it’s an opportunity to return the hospitality that we experience when we’re on the road, to show off the city and share our favourite spots, as well as help make connections between people.
Joyce’s PuSh Assembly Highlights
Ideas series
Under the free Ideas series PuSh presents Critical Ideas series, with SFU’s Institute for Performance Studies. Peter Dickinson will facilitate a discussion on “Vancouver Dance Aesthetics in an (Inter)National Frame.” On the occasion of PuSh’s presentation of The Holy Body Tattoo’s monumental, Peter has assembled a stellar group of Vancouver dance makers to situate their practices within national and global dance currents.
The Theatre and New Technologies workshop with Mallory Catlett is now nearly full! We’ll continue to take applications and add you to a wait list should more spots become available.
PuShOFF Mixer
PushOFF is an independent curated platform of tour-ready works and projects in development produced by Theatre Replacement and 605 Collective. Open to Industry passholders.
Register for CreativeMornings Vancouver with Jordan Tannahill
While technically in the third week, it’s worth reminding Festival-goers to register for CreativeMornings Vancouver. CreativeMornings is the global phenomenon where creative individuals of all stripes gather for breakfast and an inspiring presentation about creativity in all its definitions. 2016 Curator-in-residence Jordan Tannahill will present his first CreativeMornings talk on the topic of “ethics”. It will be a very thoughtful talk and I invite you all to register for attendance using the CreativeMornings lottery system.
Joyce Rosario
Associate Curator
The PuSh Assembly—hosted by Associate Curator Joyce Rosario—is an open invitation to arts aficionados of all levels and performing arts industry insiders alike to connect and share ideas and perspectives around the performing arts. The 2016 PuSh Assembly programming is designed in two series: Ideas & Industry. Ideas events are free and public, while the Industry series are accessible with an Industry Pass over the course of February 2–7.