Artist Walk
Walking … is how the body measures itself against the earth.
REBECCA SOLNIT, Wanderlust: A History of Walking
As a way to welcome our national and international guests to Vancouver and the 2020 PuSh Festival Industry Series, we are planning a series of artist led City walks.
We are seeking Vancouver artists who can lead our guests in a walk/journey of their favourite site(s). The purpose of this event is:
- To create opportunities for intimate and meaningful connections between international/national delegates with local artists.
- For guests to have a special and memorable experience of Vancouver.
- Create new experiences and ways to be together.
If you are interested in participating, please send an email with your contact information to with WALK in the subject line. The PuSh Festival will pair participants and guests. Not everyone who applies will be selected, as participation will be dependent on the number of national/international delegates. An honorarium will be provided to each artist.
Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Start time: 2:30pm
End time: 5pm, All journeys end at 5pm at the Granville Island Brewery where we will share a meal together.