PuSh Blog

Donna-Michelle St. Bernard/Theatre Passe Muraille (Canada)

October 18, 2023

Founded by Jim Garrard in 1968, Theatre Passe Muraille (meaning “theatre beyond walls”) is one of the first alternative theatre companies in Canada. It was first based at Rochdale College, at the time North America’s largest free university and student residence.

Since then, TPM has attracted talented performers from across the country, affirming a pioneering Canadian spirit to the works made. As such, TPM has been a home for several well known Canadian theatre makers (Anita Majumdar, Bilal Baig, Brad Fraser, David S. Young etc) and theatre companies (Necessary Angel Theatre, Cahoots, lemonTree creations, Outside The March, etc).

Theatre Passe Muraille has a long history of touring their work nationally and internationally as well as presenting work from across Canada and also the world. Since 2015 TPM has made Accessibility an important part of the work within the company championing several accessibility initiatives including ASL interpreted performances, Relaxed Performances, Audio Described performances etc. Now entering its 55 anniversary season, TPM continues to develop, produce and tour several exciting new productions that take theatre beyond its walls.