PuSh Blog


Identity as a queer artist & representation at PuSh

June 14, 2024

To say I grew up at PuSh may be an exaggeration in the literal sense. However, I was fortunate enough to realize a critical part of myself at the festival: my identity as a queer […]

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Red Dress Day 2024

May 05, 2024

Today is Red Dress Day, the day we honour and remember missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two spirit people. But it isn’t only a day to remember, it is also a day for […]

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Reflections: The Impact of 2024’s Festival

April 25, 2024

Keltie Forsyth, Director of Operations I’ve been feeling reflective lately. This may be because it is a literal time of looking back. Here at PuSh we are debriefing with partners and artists, writing reports on […]

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PuSh In the Community, or How Does an Arts Festival Seed a Revolution?

February 29, 2024

PuSh’s approach to community engagement—those activities that go beyond presenting performances and give you opportunities to engage differently with us and the artists we present—is driven by curiosity about the role arts institutions can play […]

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Highlights of a Growing Industry Series

February 15, 2024

Additional programming is offered during the PuSh Festival to complement the outstanding works that we present from across the globe every winter. It’s a robust community outreach program and a week-long conference for folks working […]

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Collective Meaning Making

February 07, 2024

Thank you to everyone who activated the 2024 PuSh Festival with your attendance. Thank you for celebrating creative possibilities and participating in collective meaning making. Your presence is the raison d’etre for our artists, whose […]

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Joint Statement from PuSh Festival, Basel Zaraa and Christopher Morris

January 11, 2024

On January 2nd, we released a statement that expressed our hope that PuSh bring us together and inspire us to have complex and nuanced conversations; to challenge ourselves and each other not only to think […]

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Generative Friction Through Programming Plurality

January 02, 2024

Art reflects the world and the times in which we live. At its best, it’s an essential cultural force that builds empathy and understanding. Our aim is that PuSh brings us together and inspires us […]

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