Club PuSh Opening Awesome!
January 28, 2009
Last night’s opening of Club PuSh was fantastic. More than 150 people came to Performance Works to check out Taylor Mac (he was A-mazing and my new hero) and the Awkward Stage (way to turn me into a giggly girl) perform.

If you didn’t see Taylor Mac last night, go see him tonight. He was hilarious, sweet, sad and wonderful. He will make you wish you could dress in drag, tell jokes and play the ukulele.
Following “My New Favouritest Person Ever” tonight will be Vancouver’s DJ Betti Forde.
Can you say dance party?!
I will be there, with my dancing shoes on, to cut a rug, do the twist and otherwise make a fool of myself on the dance floor.
Feel free to join me.
Doors at 8pm, Taylor Mac is on at 9pm and Betti Forde at 11pm
Tickets are $20 at the door, please bring cash as the closest bank machine is at the Granville Island Hotel.