Do You See What I Mean – The Experience
January 29, 2013
Our social media coordinator Sara Bynoe went on the blindfolded tour Friday, January 25 in the afternoon. Here’s what she had to say about it.

I have been excited for this show since I frist heard about it at a production meeting months ago. To me, this is what PuSh is all about.
It sounds crazy, right? Let a stranger guide you around the city for 2.5 hours blindfolded and end up in a different part of the city from where you started.
What exactly happens during all that time, I wondered. Will I be scared, nervous or will I be able to surrender and trust my guide? What if my guide is bad? What if I fall and get hit by a car while crossing the street? These are the places my mind wanders and still I was excited about the tour. I knew it was going to challenge me, scare me and thrill me.
Do You See What I Mean? exceeded my expectations. I was amazed, astonished, moved, touched, and left … well, speechless.
I don’t want to tell you too much about the experience. I want you to go and trust your guide. You will be fine.
On your walk you will start to feel this city; the pavement under your feet, nature that pops up in unexpected places, distances between buildings, and more. You will smell this city. There is a lot of coffee on the streets of Vancouver. You will hear things intensely: snippets of overheard conversations become mini-plays, construction will jar you, music will delight. You will also, be thankful for the man wheelchair accessible crosswalks.
Others I’ve heard from who have taken the tour, told me that their minds wandered off, creating a narrative. I found that I was fully in the present moment during my tour. What I’m left with, of course, is a heightened appreciation for my senses, especially sight. Also, a beautiful moment of realization.
During my walk I met a woman who told me a story. I had greeted her with a handshake, then after her story we said our goodbyes and she wanted to hug me. Feeling her body after only knowing her as a voice and a hand was overwhelming. It was magical how all of a sudden this hug made this woman so much clearer to me.
At the end of the tour I was asked if I wanted to meet my guide. Both options have their merits. On the one hand I could leave this experience as a magical mystery or I could meet the person who led me around the city.
I decided to flip a coin. Heads, I took off the blindfold in front of him, tails, he walked away. It was tails, or so my guide told me. I regret this. I should have met him.
Tips for the blindfolded:
* Dress appropriately for the weather and don’t carry a large bag or purse.
* Wear flat shoes.
* When you are finished your tour I suggest you take your time adjusting to being back in the seeing world.
I would do this again in a heartbeat. I highly recommend that you contact our box office and sign up for your tour immediately. Space is limited.
Do You See What I Mean?, more info.
Tickets: Advance $31-37 | Door $33-39 | 604.605.8284 ex 210
Thank you to all the volunteers on this project, this is an extraordinary experience and it couldn’t happen with out you.
Thank you to Terra Breads for sponsoring this event.