PuSh Pulse: Lindsay McMahon
August 19, 2008
We’re all arts lovers here at the PuSh Festival. Because, well, it’d be pretty silly to work for a performing arts festival if we didn’t deeply appreciate theatre or music or dance or all of the above. And we often find out about great stuff by discussing what we’re into at the moment ’round the office. So we thought we’d step it up and extend that to the whole of the internets. Lucky you, right. Feel free to share with us your own current faves in the comment section.
This week, our stellar Festival Administrator, Lindsay McMahon, dishes the goods.I’m reading: Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How The Sex-Drugs-And-Rock N’ Roll Generation Saved Hollywood by Peter Biskind. The author goes over how the shift in the types of movies created in the ’70s completely changed and revitalized the movie industry, and at the same time gives all the gossip about what was going on with all the actors behind the scenes and on set.
I’m watching: Right now I’m catching up on some of the TV shows I missed but really wanted to see. Currently, I’m in the middle of Deadwood, Entourage, and Flight of the Conchords.
I’m listening to: Crystal Castles, Chromeo, MSTRKRFT, the Kills, Deadmau5, Cut Copy, Brazilian Girls.
Fave website(s) I frequent often: Stuff White People Like, Go Fug Yourself, Gallery of the Absurd, Pitchfork.
Last great arts event(s) I attended: Pemberton.
Upcoming art(s) event I’m most looking forward to: VIFF, Lang Lang playing the Orpheum, Eastside Culture Crawl.
In my opinion, “the new black” is: I’m not really an “up on the trends” kind of person, I haven’t even got into yoga yet.