The Real Brains Behind the PuSh Festival
October 08, 2010
The PuSh International Performing Arts Festival is one of Vancouver’s signature events. Produced over three weeks each January, the PuSh Festival presents groundbreaking work in the live performing arts. The Festival is a broker of international partnership, a meeting place for creative minds, a showcase of Canada’s best and an incubator of brilliant new work. The PuSh Festival puts Vancouver on the world stage and brings the world to Vancouver.
The truth is that PuSh would not be the success that it is without the creativeness, organizational skills and vision from our hard working and committed staff. Today, we will put a spotlight on some of the duties performed by our Communications Manager and our Operations Manager.

In the PuSh Festival office teamwork is very important. Departments collaborate with each other. They consult with their peers and share vital information.
Although we are very busy and efficient individuals, we do take the occasional nap break. We strongly believe in the higher-faster-stronger-after-a-nap-and-a-cart-of-milk philosophy.
Because we are very technology savvy and multimedia inclusive we would like to give you a sneak peak to our brainstorming and idea building process. It is a technique that has helped us in the process of becoming one of the top Performing Arts Festivals in Vancouver….(and the world).
Gotta love the PuSh Festival puppies! They work so hard while the staff alternate between napping and snacking.
I know! they are hard workers….we just take pictures and videos.
That made my day!!!
Oh, I'm so glad! Feel better hun.