PuSh Youth Cohort 2022

The PuSh Youth Cohort is a unique opportunity for a small group of curious young people to become immersed in the performing arts. It is a new direction for the PuSh Youth Program, produced in collaboration with Solid State.
This free program will bring together 10 racialized youth aged 16-24 who have an interest in theatre, dance and/or performance but have not yet had significant exposure to professional- level performance. It will provide a platform to experience, examine and engage in the professional contemporary performing arts community through workshops and studio visits with arts professionals, discussions with other participants and guest artists, and a variety of shows, leading up to and during the PuSh Festival in January. Like a book club but for the live performing arts, the Cohort will meet on a weekly basis starting mid-november. Meetings will be held at Solid State in Surrey.
Apply to the PuSh Youth Cohort now!
- Send your contact information to youth@pushfestival.ca
- Deadline to apply: Friday, November 26, 2021
Solid State Industries
Solid State starts worker cooperatives with youth (under-35) from racialized migrant backgrounds. We currently have 18 cohorts running with many more in formation.
We have 120+ participants from more than 35 different national backgrounds and 15 staff. Our goal is to build a mutually-supportive network, grounded in Surrey, a cooperative of cooperatives, bound together by a commitment to hospitality and mutual aid.
We believe that the co-op model is highly capacious: it brings people together to work on a common project, build real-world skills, develop lasting bonds, and earn income from a co-op enterprise. Much more than that, we are interested in bringing together youth to work on common projects where they can forge long-term attachments, and develop a sense of belonging and attachment.