How to PuSh

The Georgia Straight called PuSh “Vancouver’s best festival to give you that Berlin feeling.” We think that’s a spot-on description of the kind of programming PuSh offers. Edgy, controversial explorations of the new frontiers of performance in the blended arts.

We are thrilled to welcome you to in-person performances for the PuSh International Performing Arts Festival. We have established our COVID-19 and Communicable Disease Prevention safety policies in accordance with the current recommendations of BC’s Provincial Health Orders.

Please help us ensure the safety of our audience, staff, volunteers, and artists by thoroughly understanding these guidelines prior to attending a performance.


PuSh strongly encourages wearing masks at indoor events, except while eating or drinking. 


All audiences will be at the appropriate full capacity for the show and venue, unless public health orders change.

Please do not attend a performance if any of the following are true

  • You have newly experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 10 days: fever, chills, cough, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath.
  • You have tested positive for COVID-19, or come in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Tickets are non-refundable, with the exception of being unable to attend due to experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Please contact at least three hours before your scheduled performance to arrange a refund or exchange. Please contact us if you have questions regarding our COVID-19 policies.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience, and we look forward to seeing you at the Festival!

  1. In the Box Office bar on most PuSh pages, click Add and choose Gift Card.
  2. Specify the gift card amount and complete your purchase.
  3. Gift cards are processed by the next business day. Once processed you’ll receive an email with your gift card redemption numbers.
  4. When you receive the gift card email, you can deliver it to the recipient however you like:
    • By simply forwarding the email
    • By writing the numbers on your own custom card
    • Another creative method all your own

Thank you for your support! You can make a donation or learn more about our fundraising campaign in the Donate section of our website.

The Volunteer Coordinator will be contacting those currently in the volunteer pool as needed. There will be some limited opportunities for ushering.

If you are interested in becoming a new volunteer at PuSh, please check our volunteer information and contact page.

Due to timed entries and a quick turnaround between time slots, we are unable to accommodate latecomers.

The board does not play a role in determining PuSh programming. Specific programming and presenting decisions, as well as the artistic direction the organization takes, are determined by the Artistic and Administrative Teams.

Join the mailing list for early announcements and more

Support the work of leading artists

When you make a gift to the PuSh Festival, you help us to present the very best in contemporary performance from around the world.