Accessible PuSh
Providing transformative performing arts experiences to as broad an audience as possible is a PuSh core value. We remove physical, social and financial barriers wherever possible to ensure everyone has an opportunity to experience the performing arts.
Training staff and volunteers to better understand what accessibility means in order to support individuals’ needs and customize experiences is one of PuSh’s priorities. The training is facilitated by paid consultants with lived experience. This training as well as continual discussions are an ongoing process to work on embedding accessibility and inclusion into everything we do.
Bookings, Feedback & Inquiries
For feedback, more information, or to discuss your specific needs, please contact us through our contact form, or reach out to our Accessibility Coordinator directly at 604.605.8284 x 204 or For ticket bookings, please contact Audience Services.
Also see our Accessibility FAQ for common questions about our accessibility offerings.
Visual Stories
Most shows have visual stories with very detailed information to help people prepare or decide if this show is for them. We also have some for our venues.
Performance Introductions
Some performances without ASL-interpretation, captions, or live description are still accessible. For the elements that are essential to appreciate or follow the show, we provide a written introduction. These introductions are written by or with artists specifically for audience members who are Deaf, hard of hearing, blind or live with vision loss.
Introductions can be downloaded from the show page directly and a printed version will be at the venue’s box office the night of the performance.
Blind or Low-Vision Patrons

Each year, we work closely with a consultant with lived experience to determine shows as low vision friendly.
Our programming accessible to blind and low-vision patrons includes:
- Live audio description by VocalEye at select performances to describe the visual elements in real-time.
- A festival preview as part of VocalEye’s Almost Live zoom series on January 22 at 6:30
- Performance introductions for shows that are low vision friendly
- A complimentary ticket for companions to any show
- A sighted guide who meets the patron at the nearest transit stop and guides them to and from the venue (available for any show)
Click here for a list of all our Low-Vision Friendly shows
For Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patrons
We partner with a Deaf advisor to offer the best possible experience to patrons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH).
We provide the following for performing arts lovers who are DHH:
- ASL general informational vlog
- Vlogs for all DHH-friendly shows (on show pages)
- ASL-interpretation at select performances and events
- ASL-interpretation can be requested for non-performance events, subject to availability. Request ASL interpretation.
- Captions or surtitles for select performances
- Written introductions for DHH-friendly can be downloaded on show pages, and paper copies are available at the box office
- Training in basic ASL for our accessibility volunteers
- We encourage Deaf and hard of hearing arts lovers to volunteer and see shows for free. Register as a volunteer.
Click here to see the list of all Deaf or hard of hearing friendly shows.
Relaxed Performances

At Relaxed Performances, we challenge the necessity of traditional theatre etiquette (sit still and be quiet) and make adjustments for people with sensory sensitivities.
Some shows are always relaxed. In that case, we call them Extra Live.All decisions were made by and with our RP Consultant: Jake Anthony
A visual story of the show:
- A show guide with pictures of performers & sets
- What to expect of intense or shocking moments
- A complete breakdown of the show
Adjusted Show Environment:
- The auditorium lights are never completely off, meaning the audience is never in complete darkness.
- The show’s sound and light levels are reduced to make them less intense.
Suspended theatre audience norms:
- No shushing; it is ok to make noise.
- Outward reactions are welcome
- Ok to move around and fidget
Chill-out space to relax if the show is too intense:
- A video feed of the show is provided where possible
- You can re-enter the theatre whenever you are ready.
Click here for a list of all Extra Live shows and shows in relaxed environments
Support Persons/Guides
Need support to be able to attend? Your support person pays no admission. You can also request support from a trained volunteer who will meet you at a nearby transit stop or at the theatre.
To request a companion ticket a sighted guide or support from a volunteer, please contact us through our contact form, or reach out to our Accessibility Coordinator directly at 604.605.8284 x 204 or
Please submit sighted guide requests 72 hours in advance.
Accessibility Venue Audits
Detailed audits are conducted for all venues, providing technical specifications about a range of accessibility considerations. Consult the accessibility audits online to find out more about each venue.
Surtitles & Captions
Performances that use spoken languages other than English may have surtitles [ST]. This can make the show accessible to Deaf and hard of hearing patrons, especially when offered in combination with a performance introduction.
Remote Access
PuSh is pleased to present digital access to a selection of performances.
Accessible Ticketing
At PuSh, we recognize the many different barriers to attending the festival. If finances or other factors are an obstacle for you, contact Julian Legere at to learn more about group rates, community ticketing, and other options available.
If you know a group of people that would benefit from coming to a particular event or show, you can request Community Tickets here.
Gender Inclusivity
All PuSh facilitated events have gender-inclusive washrooms and inclusion of systemically underrepresented sexual and gender minorities is at the heart of PuSh’s organizational core values. Presenting partners are strongly encouraged to follow suit.