Making the Move: Welcome to The Post at 750
April 01, 2015
It’s finally here: The Post at 750!
It’s been an incredible journey for the PuSh Festival to arrive at our new home.
After two years of planning, design, and fundraising, PuSh and our partners (Touchstone Theatre, Doxa Documentary Film Festival and Music on Main) began construction on our new administrative headquarters at 750 Hamilton Street in August 2014. By December, on the eve of the 2015 Festival, we were ready to pick up our entire operations and plant then in The Post at 750, firmly in the heart of Vancouver’s downtown core.
Our new postal code is a game changer. It places PuSh at the centre of the city’s cultural landscape, physically and figuratively.

But The Post at 750 isn’t only PuSh’s new home—it’s also a cultural hub with studio and office space available to the whole community. It’s a shining example of the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit of Vancouver’s arts sector. It’s a testament to the power of bold, creative, collaborative partnerships in effecting positive changes.
It’s a space where artists of all disciplines and arts administrators from the broader cultural community can come together as neighbours to share ideas, perspectives, practice and even a meal.
PuSh is incredibly proud to be a part of The Post at 750, and we are excited to welcome you into it.
The Post at 750 officially opened on March 31, 2015 with a celebration and open house for the hundreds of people—from staff, board, funders, individual donors, corporate sponsors, and architectural and construction teams—who have a stake in this place. We have collectively raised nearly $2 million toward this project.
Now we invite you to join us in making it a vibrant, welcoming space for creation and collaboration. Help us make this space a home for Vancouver’s arts community.
And please – come visit!