• Film Screenings

Spartacus & Cassandra

Showing on January 27, 2016

Playing at Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema, SFU's Goldcorp Centre for the Arts

Spartacus and Cassandra, Film Series, 2016 PuSh Festival
Photo: Courtesy of the Artist

Director: Ioanis Nuguet (France)

In the beginning of this extraordinary film, Spartacus (age 13) and his sister Cassandra (age 11) are living on the streets with their Romani parents. The situation slowly gets worse over the years, and the French authorities finally step in. The only beacon of hope is a young circus artist named Camille, who steps up and assumes the role of parent and caretaker.

Paired with Vu and L’immédiat.


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Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema, SFU's Goldcorp Centre for the Arts

149 West Hastings Street, Vancouver (Level 3)


January 27
80 minutes



No reservation or Pass booking required.
