Upcoming projects from our friends & community partners
March 18, 2021
As we are headed into spring, we are excited to share some of the virtual and in-person events and workshops happening around Vancouver. Join Vancouver Opera, The Dance Centre, Frank Theatre, and Art Vancouver and revitalize the city with some much-needed art and culture.
Vancouver Opera’s The Music Shop: A Charming Comedy
Vancouver Opera’s production of The Music Show is now available! In this brilliant comedy, a meek husband desperately searches a music shop for a song requested by his wife. But if only he could remember the title or the tune of the song! His Wagnerian wife appears in a series of hilarious hallucinations during his mad scramble through the ill-fated music shop. A Canadian premiere. Performed and directed by the Vancouver Opera Yulanda M. Faris Young Artists Program participants. Tickets are available now at digital.vancouveropera.ca.
Extra bonus for students! Use code MusicShopStudent20 for $10 off your single-performance tickets.

The Dance Centre presents Ne. Sans Opera & Dance: Orfeo ed Euridice
Choreographer and opera director Idan Cohen shows work from his project to stage Gluck’s monumental opera Orfeo ed Euridice as an innovative contemporary dance work. Bringing together dancers and opera singers, Cohen’s production views Orpheus not as a god, but as an artist—a human looking at the complex, sometimes violent history of western, classical opera and dance, the dancing body serving as a living example of human strength and fragility. This pre-recorded show shares excerpts of work in progress and a discussion with the choreographer.
On-demand from April 6–13 starting at 5 p.m. PST. Tickets are available on a sliding scale from $0–$20.
Mother Tongues—a Community Workshop Conversation—will take place on April 21 & 23 through Zoom.
Frank Theatre is currently looking to connect, converse and share stories with LGBTQ2S+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Pansexual, Trans, Non-binary, Queer, Questioning and Two Spirit) community members whose native language is not English, who have learned it as an additional language.
Jen Sungshine–the facilitator—will provide a safe space for community members. How has language shaped who we are? How does English succeed or fail to express our feelings, gender, or sexuality? What barriers have we faced due to having English as an additional language?
If these questions interest you and you’d like to meet other LGBTQ2S+ folks, please email Fay Nass, Artistic Director at fay@thefranktheatre.com, and CC Associate Producer Anais West at anais@thefranktheatre.com with your name, email, phone number, and a short paragraph about why the project interests you.

The Vancouver Visual Art Foundation is committed to connecting, inspiring, and educating communities by providing opportunities to artists and art lovers around the world.
You can advance your creative abilities, showcase your art at local events, and provide a home for your art in the heart of Downtown Vancouver. Explore the Art @Bentall Gallery, Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or shop online at vanvaf.com.
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