Artist Talk: Dance, Architecture and Public Space
Ideas Series

Ideas Series events are designed for all audience members who seek a deeper engagement with artists and the work they create. Ideas Series events are open to the public.
When you enter a space, the space enters you. —Juhani Pallasmaa
In this roundtable on dance, architecture and public space, a panel of speakers—from urban planners to architects, designers, choreographers and scenographers—respond to world renowned Finnish architecture theorist Juhani Pallasmaa, his writing on the senses and architecture, and MACHiNENOiSY’s embodied realization of these ideas in Fragile Forms. How do we understand the space around us with our bodies? How can we touch with our eyes? How do dance and architecture meet each other in a field of multisensory experience?
The discussion will be facilitated by Leslie Van Duzer, professor at the UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, and author.
Panel of speakers will include:
MACHiNENOiSY Artistic Directors Delia Brett and Daelik
Dancer Collaborators: Finnish dancers Maria Autio and Minna Karttunen, and Vancouver dancer Rianne Svelnis
Design Team: Visual Artist Natalie Purschwitz, Architectural Collaborator Peeroj Thakre (ph5 Artchitects)
Stage Manager: Kanon Hewitt
Lisa Spitale, CAO for the City of New Westminster.
The event begins at 7 pm, followed by an open reception with the roundtable speakers and the artists of Fragile Forms. The talk and reception are free but registration is strongly suggested.
Fragile Forms is an international exchange between Canada and Finland. As well as being supported by the Canada Council, Anvil Centre and City of Vancouver, it has been supported with a 3-week residency at Annantalo Arts Centre in Helsinki, Finland. It includes two Finnish dance artists and was inspired by conversations with Finnish Architect Juhani Pallasmaa.
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777 Columbia Street, New Westminster
January 30
FREE, registration encouraged
Or call 1.604.449.6000